Dieser Papier-Baum hat meine neue Dawanda-Fotobox eingeweiht.Kosten Punkt 3 Euro! Das durchsichtige Papier bekommt man im Bastelladen den farbigen Hintergrund beim Discounter.(Tedi) Die Lampen hatte ich noch.
Hier der Link für die Fotobox:

To make the Tree follow this tutorial: Use colored paper, cut like you see in the video and make around 7 of them. No need to glue them together like in the video just stag them on top of eachother and unfold. Squeez the bottom of the paper and roll it into the stem.
Video by Artsncraft4u for the upper part:
For the stem roll up colored paper.
For the plate loom colored paper as shown in this tutorial by UnitedArtAndEd:
This Papertree is the first object i put into my new photobox. The box is inexpensive to do: All you need is a cardboardbox, translucent paper and colored paper for the background. It costs me around 3 Euro.
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