Papernoob : Juni 2014

5 Origami-Birds

Here is another easy batch of Origami figures.
If you like one of them just click the link and watch the tutorial.

Happy folding!

Origami Bird Tutorial - How to fold a Simple Paper Bird by Learn Origami:

Origami Bird-  Leach's Storm Petrel 

Tutorial by Mica


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5 Origami Figurs Twitter Bird

Here is another easy batch of Origami figures.
If you like one of them just click the link and watch the tutorial.

Happy folding!

Origami- Elf by Jo Nakashima:


Origami Macaw Parrot of Manuel Sirgo 


This figur consists of 2 parts:
The Figura Humana and the Angel´s Wings.
Both done by Jo Nakashima

YOUTUBE-LINK(Figura Humana)

YOUTUBE-LINK(Angel´s Wings)

Origami Sperm Whale Video by iejhcho:


Origami- Twitter Bird by Jo Nakashima:


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Origami -Spider

Tricky.Video is in german, just watch without audio.


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Origami- Letters

If you are fortunate enough to have someone you love and care for, make them a nice present by spelling their name with Origami- Paper. Takes some time and skill so.. Alternatively just fold their initials.
Tutorial by Jo Nakashima:


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Paper Crossbow with Arrow

Paper Crossbow with Arrow. Easy to do. Depending on the strengt of the rubber and the weight of the arrow you can shoot 6 Meters or more.(mine does)

All you need is around 7- 8 sheets of paper, rubber and tape.

The arrow is just rolled up paper with the tip cut diagonal.


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You  have probably heard about the japanese tradition of folding 1,000 cranes. It is done when someone has a wish, be it for peace, health or luck.
Start here, all you need is piece of paper.(colored orgami paper is best) It´s easy.

Tavin's Origami Instructions for the cranes:


For this mobile, i used only 9. But the more the better.

Next step: needle & thread.

Stick the needle(small) trough the crane from below.      Adjust before you do so in order to balanced it.

Cut the thread at the end and make a knot. I stuck a tiny piece of paper into the knot so it doesn´t slip through.

Tie it to a ring or stick. If you don´t have ring like me roll a papersheet into a tube, connect the ends and decorate with any textile or colored paper and paint.

Make another 4 strings and attach them to the ring and tie them together at the top.
Balance and you are done.
(Here is a giant origami crane:YOUTUBE-LINK Crane)

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Blarney Castle

Medium sized model. My model ended up a bit crooked.
Again, use stronger paper than usual and print out on colored paper or paint and decorate as you like.

Link to PDF

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Medieval castle -Paper- Model

Easy and fun to do. It´s reasonably sized and everybody i showed it to liked it. Perfect if  you come home from work or school and don´t wantto strain your eyes nor fiddle around  to much..

Again, use stronger paper than usual and print out on colored paper and paint and decorate as you like.

LINK to Website

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Hospital Paper-Model

Goldberg- Hospital in Chicago. The Prentice Women's Hospital Building opened in 1975 with its 9-story concrete quatrefoil tower and oval windows.
There was a debate over the building's planned demolition and in 2013 it was gone. A bit tricky at times, but all you need is a printer and paper. Preferably print it out in color and use harder paper than usual.


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Celtic Monastery - Paper-Model

I just discovered these Paper-Models and there seems to be quit a lot of paterns available.Just download and print them out.

This celtic monastery is small and easy to make.


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16-Pointed Ninja Star

BIG Paper- Shuriken. One could try different colors and designs It flies very well. All you need is several sheets of paper. Take the inside of an old Clock and put the shuriken around, that looks great, too.


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X-WING STAR WARS Orgami. It´s rather difficult and took me around 2 Hours! to make. All you need is a piece of paper. Video is in spanish, but i just watched it without audio.


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