Papernoob : 5 Origami Figurs Twitter Bird

5 Origami Figurs Twitter Bird

Here is another easy batch of Origami figures.
If you like one of them just click the link and watch the tutorial.

Happy folding!

Origami- Elf by Jo Nakashima:


Origami Macaw Parrot of Manuel Sirgo 


This figur consists of 2 parts:
The Figura Humana and the Angel´s Wings.
Both done by Jo Nakashima

YOUTUBE-LINK(Figura Humana)

YOUTUBE-LINK(Angel´s Wings)

Origami Sperm Whale Video by iejhcho:


Origami- Twitter Bird by Jo Nakashima:


You have done this model? Please send me your pics and i put them right down here!

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